What Are the Risk Factors for Piles and How Can You Avoid Them?

What Are the Risk Factors for Piles and How Can You Avoid Them?


Hemorrhoids, commonly referred to as piles, are swollen lumps inside and around your bottom. This can be classified into two groups’ internal haemorrhoids and external haemorrhoids. The symptoms of this disease include bleeding, itching or irritation, discomfort, swelling around your anus, and inflammation. To treat this condition, you need to visit a clinic for piles treatment in Siliguri.

There are certain risk factors involved that cause piles. This includes obesity, age, genetics, constipation, pregnancy, sitting or standing for long periods of time, and medications. Though piles are not usually serious, they can cause significant discomfort and hamper daily activities. Understanding the risk factors and addressing them early is essential as it can help in taking proactive steps to prevent them and improve overall well being.   

Some of the ways to avoid piles include;

Go to the bathroom when you need to go:

Though it might sound common, many people avoid it, and in fact, haemorrhoids are primarily caused by ignoring or delaying bathroom usage. This delayed bowel movements may make stools hard and dry in the bowel, making it more difficult to pass causing constipation. If you strain to pass stool it may increase the risk of hemorrhoids. Risk factors can be avoided by obeying the body's demand to defecate as waiting till a convenient time may make the attempt elusive and strenuous.

Avoid straining:

Another risk factor that contributes to the development of piles is forcing a bowel movement to strain. However, urging people to pass out the waste materials when there is no need is also equally bad. Straining and putting more pressure on the veins in the rectum is one of the main causes of painful or bleeding haemorrhoids. This is because increased pressure over the anal area makes the soft tissues swollen. The strain further worsens an internal haemorrhoid into an external one. Some of the other situations that cause straining is by lifting heavy objects or during pregnancy.

Modify your diet:

Lack of fibre is one of the most common reasons associated with piles, as it causes infrequent bowel movements. To prevent it, you need to consume foods rich in high fibre that make your bowel soft and easy to pass. Foods such as green vegetables, fruits, whole grains, etc, are some of the smart diet choices. Fibre also helps you to avoid constipation, which is a risk factor for haemorrhoids. Those who find it difficult to meet the daily fibre requirements from diet alone can use fibre supplements.

However, consuming excess fiber may lead to negative consequences. For some people excess fibre may make bowels move slower than normal causing slow transit constipation. Also you need to listen to your body and avoid foods that can irritate your bowel movements. For a proper diet chart you can take recommendation from one of the best doctors for piles in Siliguri.

Drink plenty of water:

Along with fibre you need to make sure that you drink plenty of water on a daily basis. This is because consuming only fibre makes your bowel hard and along eating a healthy diet full of fibre, adequate hydration is essential for healthy bowel movements. When a person's body is not properly hydrated, constipation can happen that causes painful piles to develop. To maintain hydration in the body, you need to drink at least eight 8-ounce glasses in a day.

Exercise regularly:

Exercise not only helps to improve many health issues but also prevents piles. This is because when you are not active, everything slows down, including your bowel movements. Moderate exercise, especially 20 to 30 minutes a day, can help to keep the colon and bowel movements regular. Regular exercise also helps to reduce body weight, which may be contributing to the formation of haemorrhoids. Exercises such as yoga, swimming or walking are beneficial and can prevent it from flaring. However, it is important for you not to engage in activities that increase abdominal pressure, such as heavyweight lifting.   

Limit the time in the toilet:

Another best thing you can do is to limit the time in the toilet. Avoid reading, using phones and other activities that can distract you and lead to extended periods of stay in the toilet. This is because sitting there for prolonged time increases the pressure on the rectal area leading to the formation of piles.


Piles are the common conditions that are caused due to lifestyle habits, choices in diet, and health factors. The symptoms of this disease may vary depending on its type. To manage the symptoms, you need to visit a highly qualified doctor who offers piles treatment in Siliguri. Having complete knowledge of piles can be very helpful as you can take necessary precautions. It is not always necessary that these conditions can be treated with surgery or medications if you avoid the risk factors. Some of them include consuming a high-fibre diet, drinking plenty of fluids, exercising in moderation, limiting time in the toilet, and going to the bathroom when needed.

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