How To Manage Pain After Hernia Surgery

How To Manage Pain After Hernia Surgery

A hernia develops when an organ starts pushing outwards through the tissue or muscle holding it. In most cases, these hernias develop in the groin or abdominal areas leading to distressing pain, nausea, and painful bulge. One of the most effective treatment options that can push back the herniated tissues and the organs into their normal place. If you’re also experiencing the symptoms of this disorder then without any worry contact a reputed surgeon and undergo precise hernia surgery in Siliguri.

Hernia surgery can be either laparoscopic or open but the pain, hospital stay, and incisions are way much lesser when the doctors perform it laparoscopically. Despite the surgery method, it is quite common for you to experience pain after the surgery just like other procedures. The damage in the local nerves, healing of the surgical areas, and the reaction of the immune system in repairing the hernia are some of the factors that can cause post-operative pain. It is vital to keep this pain low to feel comfortable and ensure a speedy recovery. 

Common types of post-operative care after hernia surgery

The most common type of hernias affecting a large population is inguinal hernias. In this condition, certain areas of the intestine bulge out through a weak muscle area in the groin region. In such cases, a herniorrhaphy is performed which can lead to acute pain during the normal healing stage. During this stage, you may experience a pulling sensation or uncomfortable aching that can worsen with movement. If this pain becomes long-lasting then it can be caused due to mesh-related pain or post-herniorrhaphy neuralgia.
  • Post-herniorrhaphy neuralgia: This post-operative pain mainly happens when the nerves experience mechanical damage during the surgery. The nerves that are trapped in the surgical mesh or stapes can also cause pain which can be quite sharp. 
  • Mesh-related pain: The synthetic mesh used during hernia repair can lead to severe groin pain. Chronic inflammation triggered by your immune system, trapped nerves, and rubbing of the mesh against tissues and nerves can be associated with post-surgical pain. You must contact the best hernia surgeon in Siliguri immediately if the pain lasts for more than 3 months.

Effective tips to manage pain after hernia surgery

1. Apply hot or cold packs
The post-operative pain after hernia surgery can be reduced effectively with hot and cold compression. In some cases, you may get relief from the pain using cold but in other instances using hot can be comfortable. Herein, you can ask your doctor whether hot or cold packs will be effective for abdominal pain. After deciding the best option, consider applying the packs during pain episodes or while lying in the bed. 

2. Medications 
The hernia surgeon will definitely prescribe you certain pain medications after the surgery. NSAIDs and anti-nausea medications can also be recommended by the doctor to mitigate the side effects of the pain medications such as nausea and upset stomach. Herein, NSAIDs can play a role in reducing inflammation which is directly associated with less pain. Remember that you don’t have to wait for the post-op pain to worsen before taking the medications and always try to follow the dosage guidelines instructed by the doctor. 

3. Indulge in light activity 
It can be quite painful for you to move after the surgery but to lessen abdominal pain, it is vital for you to start light activity as soon as possible. Starting to move after the surgery can be highly effective in speeding up the healing process while making digestion and breathing easier. Over time, being active can play a major role in reducing post-op pain. However, during the initial few hours or days, you must take bed rest and rest your upper body on an elevated pillow to stop the pain from worsening. 

4. Listen to music 
Music is the best way to reduce pain after undergoing hernia surgery in Siliguri. Whether you’re humming, singing, or listening to music, it can work wonders in increasing blood flow inside the brain. You must also note that music is also highly beneficial in enhancing your mood and boosting your energy levels by increasing the production of endorphins. These high endorphin levels can also play a huge role in lessening pain and offering you comfort. 

5. Use a pillow 
After the hernia surgery, it is quite vital for you to support your belly especially while taking deep breaths, coughing, or sneezing. This additional support can be provided by holding a pillow against the incision area. Using a pillow can be an effective method to lessen the pain while reducing the exposure of the surgical area to any external pressure or trauma. Note that your abdominal pain may increase when you experience any trauma in the surgical area. 

6. Try relaxation techniques 
During the recovery stage, it is normal to experience anxiety and stress. However, if you continue to experience this stress then it may delay the healing process and worsen pain. It is true that it is impossible to avoid stress but you can definitely control it through various relaxation techniques. Meditation, deep breathing, yoga, and muscle relaxation are some of the effective techniques that you can practice after surgery to manage stress and pain levels. 

7. Avoid constipation 
You may experience constipation after the hernia surgery which can also happen due to the pain medications. Herein, constipation can put extra pressure on the surgical areas while increasing pain. This is why it is vital for you to contact the doctor and learn the measures to avoid constipation after surgery. Drinking a sufficient amount of water and following a fiber-rich diet can be the most effective ways to avoid constipation. Herein, you can also start walking regularly which will further regulate normal bowel movements. 

8. Distract yourself 
Try to shift your focus to something else from the post-op pain. Distracting yourself and shifting your focus can be beneficial in keeping yourself from continuously thinking about the pain. Visiting your loved ones, trying a new hobby, playing cards, or reading a book can be some of the best ways to distract yourself from chronic abdominal pain. Remember that these measures can also relax you which can be effective in reducing stress and its worsening effects on pain. 

9. Stay in a comfortable surrounding 
Being comfortable can aid in managing hernia surgery-related pain. Herein, you can take the assistance of someone who can help you in bed to keep the pillows in the desired location. Having someone to rub your back can also reduce post-op pain while offering you relaxation. Herein, you can also try to manage the room temperature so that you can feel comfortable with it. Consider keeping the noise and light inside the room as low as possible as it can trigger pain. 

10. Contact the doctor during worrying situations 
You must be aware of the pain after the hernia surgery as there are certain worrisome conditions when it is vital for you to contact the doctor. If the pain doesn’t improve even after taking pain medications or if you feel sleepy after taking the medicines then don’t delay to seek medical attention from the surgeon. Vomiting, nausea, and rashes are some of the side effects that you may look for during the recovery stage. 

Chronic post-operative pain can make hernia repair recovery quite difficult after undergoing hernia surgery in Siliguri. Before following any pain management measures or taking pain medications, it is always vital to consult the doctor and take professional guidance to sustain relief. 

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