Oncological Surgery

Surgical oncology is the field of medicine that uses various surgical procedures to treat cancer. Dr Vishant Deo with the help of advanced technology and his precision specializes in evaluating the root cause of cancer followed by effective surgeries to remove the malignant tissues from the body. The main objective of Oncological surgery is to identify and remove malignant cells and tissues from the body using surgical procedures to promote better health of the patients.
Oncological Surgery

Cancer Surgery

Cancer surgery is one of the most common forms of Oncological surgery that includes the removal of all types of cancer cells from the body. The process prices include conducting various biopsies and tests to identify the root cause of cancer. After accurate evaluation, the doctor removes the affected tissues from the body. Sometimes the surgery also includes the removal of affected lymph nodes as it could lead to the spreading of cancer all over the body.

Colorectal Surgery

Colorectal surgery is one of the major forms of Oncological surgery that deals with the treatment of cancer-related to the rectum, anus and colon also known as large intestines. The surgery is one of the safest ways to get rid of colorectal diseases and can be done in both adults as well children.  The doctor may prescribe various sets of tests and scans for better evaluation of the conditions. Some of the most common forms of conditions that are treated under colorectal surgery include

  • Piles
  • Fistula
  • Rectal bleeding
  • Hemorrhoids
  • Rectal Cancer
  • Crohn's disease

Breast Cancer Surgery

Breast Cancer Surgery is a severe treatment operation for breast cancer that involves removing the cancer tissues with the help of a surgical procedure. Breast cancer is among the major causes of cancer among females in India. The process of breast cancer surgery is of various types, some surgeries include the removal of cancer tissues while in some cases doctor might surgically remove a portion or entire breast with surgery.

Types of Breast Cancer Surgery

Lumpectomy : Lumpectomy is one of the major forms of surgical procedures to treat breast cancer which includes surgical removal of malignant cells and tissues from the breast. The treatment is also called breast-conserving surgery and mostly includes the removal of infected breast tissues from the body.

Mastectomy : Mastectomy is a major treatment procedure which includes the removal of breast tissues in some cases the entire breast to prevent the spreading of breast cancer. Sometimes the surgery may also include removal of tissues and lymph nodes located near the affected breasts.

Gynaecological Cancer Surgery

Gynaecological Cancer Surgery is a cancer treatment that mainly focuses on the removal of malignant cells and tissues from gynaecological organs such as uterus, cervix, vagina, ovaries and fallopian tubes. Prior to the surgery doctor might conduct various biopsies and tests to determine the stage of cancer and course of treatment. There are various types of gynaecological surgical procedures where some of the procedures include the removal of tumours and malignant cells while some doctors might remove the entire uterus including the cervix. Following are some of the major procedures used in treating gynaecological cancers.

Types of Gynaecological Cancer Surgery

Debulking Surgery : Debulking Surgery is one of the most common types of gynaecological cancer surgery that includes conducting an operation to decrease the number of cancer cells in the body. The surgery is mostly conducted prior to chemotherapy.

Hysterectomy : Hysterectomy is mostly conducted among women to treat cancer cells that have been affecting the woman’s reproductive organs. The procedure includes the removal of the entire uterus including the cervix, fallopian tubes, lymph nodes and parts of the vagina. This type of surgery is performed to reduce the spread of cancer in the body.

Oophorectomy : Oophorectomy also known as ovariotomy is a surgical procedure used to remove the ovaries from the body. The surgery is mostly conducted to begin menopause immediately. Oophorectomy is done to treat various forms of diseases as well as help to reduce the risk of certain types of cancers

Omentectomy : Omentectomy is a surgical procedure that includes the removal of some part of the entire momentum from your body. The omentum is a layer of fatty tissues that act as one of the major causes of cancer in the abdominal organs of the body.

Lymph Node Removal : Lymph node removal also known as Lymphadenectomy is a common surgical procedure that includes removal of lymph nodes which is later used to identify the state of the cancer.

Frequently Asked Questions on Oncological Surgery

Can I travel after my surgery?

It is advised to avoid long travelling or taking flights for 24 hours after the surgery. You may also consult with your doctor regarding your travelling plan.

Some of the early side effects of cancer surgery include pain, discomfort in the operating area, fatigue and drug reactions. However, most of these side effects are temporary and may last for a few weeks.

Cancer surgery is one of the most common treatments for cancer, although it does not guarantee a cure. The surgery includes the removal of cancer cells from the body as much as possible to avoid spreading cancer to the rest of the body.

Some of the common forms of cancer that can be treated by surgery are breast cancer, colorectal cancer, esophageal cancer and many more.

Helps get rid of the pain of cancer, improves the quality of life, and prevents from growth of cancer in future, removal of malignant tumours from the body prevents future health complications.

Cancer surgery is used to remove the malignant cells from the body and therefore the need for chemo highly depends on the type and stages of cancer. Generally, chemotherapy is mostly used to prevent the growth of cancer in the future.

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