How To Plan Your Diet Before And After Surgery

How To Plan Your Diet Before And After Surgery

There can be various medical conditions when you may need surgery. General surgery is an exclusive medical specialty that deals with a range of diseases affecting your breast, abdomen, skin, digestive tract, and skin. If you have been diagnosed with a serious health condition that cannot be treated with medical treatments then the doctor might recommend you to undergo general surgery in Siliguri. Some of the most common types of general surgery are hernia repair, appendectomy, colon and rectal surgery, cholecystectomy, laparoscopy, and endocrine surgery. 

You must know that the latest general surgery procedures are quite successful and effective in curing various health conditions. However, undergoing these surgeries can lead to a significant level of trauma in the body. The predominant move towards healing and low amount of physical activity can cause inflammation, muscle loss, and other complications. To avoid these issues, it becomes extremely important to follow a proper diet. Herein, you must understand the foods you must include and exclude before and after the surgery for a successful recovery. 

Nutritious Diet Plan For The Pre-Operative Stage 

While contacting the best general surgeon in Siliguri for the surgical procedure, you must not forget to ask about the pre-surgery diet. The doctor will recommend certain nutritional guidelines that will include certain foods that will not only maintain the nutritional composition but also benefit you during recovery.

You must know that these dietary guidelines can be followed even before 2-3 weeks of the surgery to prepare your body for the surgery. However, remember that almost 10-12 hours before the surgery you must avoid eating anything that will help you avoid vomiting and nausea. 

1. Consider eating slow carbohydrates 
The first that you must include in your pre-surgery diet is slow carbohydrates. Some of the best simple carbohydrates include pasta and rice which will improve your digestion before surgery. These fast carbohydrates avoid the chances of constipation after surgery while activating the production of serotonin- the happiness hormone. Remember that these slow carbohydrates are recommended before any acute medical interventions which improve mood and are well-absorbed by the body. 

2. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables 
Fruits and vegetables are the best foods that you must eat during the pre-operative period. It is quite normal to gain weight after surgery and packing your pre-surgery diet with veggies and fruits will help you avoid this. Green leafy vegetables, berries, broccoli, and pomegranates are some of the best fruits and vegetables that are easily digestible. Some of the key benefits of adding these to your diet include increased energy, speedy healing, and boosted collagen formation. 

3. Pack yourself with protein 
Protein is your muscle’s best friend. You must know that most of your muscles will be inactive almost for a few weeks after surgery due to the need for rest and restrictions in lifting weights. This is why during the pre-surgical stage, you must focus on eating sufficient amounts of protein. Some of the best sources of protein that you must add to your diet are turkey meat, chicken, seafood, eggs, and fish. If you’re a vegetarian then you can also add plant-based protein to your diet. 

4. Focus on unsaturated fats 
It is often recommended to avoid fat before surgery. However, while preparing for the surgery you must consider eating food sources that are rich in unsaturated fats. These fats have lots of anti-inflammatory properties which can reduce inflammation during surgery. Remember that foods with sufficient amounts of unsaturated fat can also help in increasing the production of cell walls and hormones required after surgery. Cold-pressed oils, olive oil, and avocado are great sources of unsaturated fats. 

5. Add vitamin C    
Doctors always recommend patients build a robust immune response before surgery so that the chances of surgical complications can be minimized. Herein, to support your immune system you can consider adding natural sources of vitamin C in your pre-surgery diet. This will help reduce the risk of scarring, infection, swelling, and bruising after surgery. Some of the superfoods with vitamin C include berries, kiwis, lemon, and broccoli.

Foods You Must Avoid Before Surgery 

After you have made the commitment to undergo general surgery in Siliguri, you must note that there are certain food items that need to be avoided before surgery. You must not take likely the food guidelines recommended by the doctor as your diet plays a vital role in the recovery process. 

During the final consultation, you must ask your doctor about the foods you should not eat before surgery as it can interfere with the surgical procedure and anesthesia. 

1. White carbohydrates 
The first thing that the doctor will ask you to avoid before surgery is white carbohydrates such as white rice, pasta, and white bread. These refined and processed carbohydrates can quickly increase your blood sugar while leading to severe inflammation. You must note that the anesthesia process can also be severely affected by these white carbohydrates. These undigested foods may cause aspiration and vomiting during the surgery.

2. Foods with salicylates
Salicylates are the simplest form of salicylic acid that can interfere with blood clotting. To avoid blood clotting issues during surgery, doctors advise you to stop eating certain food items that have this ingredient. Some such items that you must consider avoiding are cucumbers, almonds, prunes, tomatoes, vinegar, and nectarines. You must note that salicylates can also be present in certain aspirins so you must also limit taking these medications before surgery. 

3. Foods with high sugar and fat 
It is also a good option to avoid eating foods with high sugar and fat content during the pre-surgical period. This is because foods packed with sugar can impact your immune system while enhancing the risks of infections after surgery. You may also lose infection-fighting power due to it. This makes it vital for you to spot eating aerated beverages, processed meat, fried items, French fries, and chocolate. 

4. Neurotoxic items 
Your recovery process can also decrease if you continuously take neurotoxic items before surgery. If you don’t avoid neurotoxic products during the pre-surgical period then it can be quite fatal while causing blood clotting. Some neurotoxic products that one must avoid are aspirin, MSG, caffeine, aspartame, and alcohol. 

5. Potentially allergenic foods
Even if you don’t have any allergies, it is always a safe option to avoid eating certain foods. This is why doctors recommend avoiding potentially allergenic foods. Some such foods that you must avoid are nuts, peanuts, fish, shellfish, eggs, soy or wheat products.  

Healthy Foods To Eat During Post-Operative Stage 

Just like a pre-surgery diet, a post-surgery diet also plays a vital role in impacting your recovery stage. You must know that during the recovery stage, your body needs all the necessary nutrients to reduce swelling and speed up the recovery process. 

Herein, along with food, you must also focus on drinking almost 3 liters of water to maintain your hydration levels. To plan the best diet after general surgery in Siliguri, you must consider discussing the nutrition requirements with the doctor. 

1. Increase your protein intake 
During healing protein plays the most important role since it increases tissue rebuilding. However, while choosing protein sources you must be extremely cautious as there are certain protein sources such as red meat which are high in fat and can lead to heart issues. Some of the best protein-rich foods that you can eat after surgery without worrying about the fat content are lean proteins which include legumes, tofu, eggs, chicken, and beans. 

2. Eat foods to avoid constipation 
Your post-surgery diet must be focused on reducing constipation. Most of the patients who have undergone surgery have a common complaint i.e., constipation which is often associated with improper diet, inactivity, and the prescribed medications. To avoid this surgical complication, you must add foods to your diet that are rich in fiber. Some such food items include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds, and legumes. 

3. Try liquid or bland products 
As you will feel nauseous after surgery, you may not feel hungry at all. Usually, it takes a few days to get back your normal appetite again but during these days as well, you must maintain your nutrition levels. In this post-surgical phase, you must consider eating smaller meals instead of larger ones. Herein, you can include liquid or bland food items in your diet so that you can fill your stomach. Some such products include chicken broth, bananas, crackers, and plain toast. 

4. Consider vitamin C 
The main role of diet after surgery is to promote healing. Herein, the healing process can be enhanced by including vitamin C-rich products in your diet. Herein, you must note that it is not recommended to include vitamin C supplements in your diet with any doctor’s instructions. This is why it is advised that you stick to natural sources of vitamin C which include red peppers, citrus fruits, broccoli, and berries. 

5. Add fermented products and probiotics 
The doctor will prescribe antibiotics after surgery which decreases the risk of bacterial infections and other signs of pregnancy complications. However, these medications can lead to indigestion, bloating, vomiting, loss of appetite, and diarrhea. Due to this, you must consider adding foods rich in probiotics such as kombucha, yogurt, and other fermented foods. 

Foods That Must Be Avoided After Surgery 

Apart from adding certain food products, there are also certain foods that you must avoid after surgery. This will help you prevent complications and heal faster. There are various unhealthy products that the doctor informs you to avoid during the post-surgical period. 

You must know that it is vital to follow these measures to stimulate healthy healing and overall well-being. Don’t take the post-surgical diet lightly since not following it vigorously can decrease the benefits of the surgery. 

1. High sodium foods 
There are various foods high in sodium that you must avoid after surgery. This is because their products can delay healing while increasing the risks of swelling. Some sodium-rich foods that can have various disadvantages are cured meats, processed items, pickles, cheese, burritos, tacos, and other fast food items. 

2. Processed food items 
Processed foods are your enemy during the recovery phase. These food items are not only addictive but can also deteriorate your gut health after surgery while making you more prone to constipation. Your energy, concentration levels, and weight can also be affected due to it. The processed items that you must always avoid after surgery are processed meat, breakfast cereal, frozen meals, instant foods, and ice cream. 

3. Alcohol 
You must note that drinking alcohol after undergoing a general surgery procedure can be quite harmful. It can affect you in several ways while increasing the likelihood of swelling, relapse, bleeding, and infection. Additionally, your immune system is affected hugely due to alcohol consumption. This is why doctors always advise you to stay away from alcohol during recovery. 

4. Sugary food 
Your healing process can deteriorate hugely if you eat sugary food items after surgery. This can also cause inflammation while increasing cortisol production. To promote healing, try to avoid sugary products as much as possible. Some of the worst sugary items bad for your health are flavored yogurt, candies, ice cream, and fruit juices. 

5. Caffeinated beverages 
Dehydration after surgery is not good for recovery. Herein, you must know that caffeinated beverages can cause extreme dehydration, which is why these items need to be avoided. Starting from chocolate and energy drinks to coffee and cola drinks, there are various caffeinated products you must not include in a post-surgery diet. 

Before undergoing general surgery in Siliguri, always educate yourself about the nutritional care you must follow before and after the surgery. Herein, you must also consider scheduling an appointment with an experienced doctor who can curate a personalized diet plan for you. This will enable you to maintain the nutritional needs of your body during pre and post-surgical rehabilitation. 

Remember that food is nature’s best medication that can reduce the risk of dangerous post-surgical complications while increasing the possibility of an uninterrupted recovery. Follow the diet restrictions and schedule routine follow-ups for a seamless healing process. 

1. What to eat before and after surgery?
Before a few days of the surgery, you must follow a balanced and healthy diet with slow carbohydrates, fruits and vegetables, unsaturated fat, and protein. Once you have undergone the surgery, you can start with liquid food in smaller portions. You can also consider eating whole foods such as brown rice, whole-wheat bread, and oatmeal. 

2. What not to eat 7 days before surgery?
The foods you must avoid before 7 days of the surgery depend upon the type of surgery you’re undergoing. However, it is always a better option to stop drinking caffeine and alcohol before a few days. The doctor might also recommend avoiding eating blood thinners, and fatty and spicy foods. 

3. What can I eat 3 days before surgery?
You must focus on eating a balanced diet before 3 days of the surgery. You can consider including unprocessed carbohydrates, lean protein, vitamin C, vegetables, and legumes in your pre-surgery diet. 

4. Which food is best for an operation patient?
An operation patient must eat sufficient amounts of antioxidants, protein, and fiber to let the body heal properly. Along with vital nutrients, you must also maintain hydration levels by drinking plenty of water. Some superfoods for operation patients are- 
Whole-grain breads 
Olive oil
Dark leafy greens 

5. Why no milk before surgery?
Doctors often recommend to avoid milk and other dairy products before surgery. Although milk is a protein, it still has a high amount of fat which becomes difficult for the stomach to digest. To reduce the risk of aspiration during surgery, you shouldn’t drink milk before surgery. 

6. What not to do 2 weeks before surgery?
There are certain measures that you need to follow before 2 weeks of the surgery. Some such measures include stopping smoking and drinking excessive amounts of alcohol. You must also stop taking certain medications that can interfere with the anesthesia process and cause bleeding. 

7. Which fruit is best after surgery?
After undergoing surgery, you must focus on eating fruits that are rich in antioxidants. This is because antioxidants are packed with nutrients that can help your body repair the surgical damage speedily. Some fruits rich in antioxidants are- 

8. How can I boost my immune system before surgery?
Having a strong immune system can maximize the positive outcomes of the surgery while ensuring rapid healing. The measures you can take to boost your immune system are exercising regularly, eating healthy, managing stress, getting enough sleep, and practicing deep breathing. 

9. What food to avoid after surgery?
There are many foods that can make recovery harder after surgery. This is why surgeons advise you to avoid certain foods during the recovery stage. Some such foods include high-processed items, fatty foods, caffeinated beverages, and alcohol. It will also be a good option for you to avoid any food items that can lead to constipation since the signs of constipation increase the risks of reopening the surgical incisions. 

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