8 Early Warning Signs You May Need Hernia Surgery

8 Early Warning Signs You May Need Hernia Surgery

A hernia may occur when a tissue or organ pushes through a weak part of the muscle or abdominal wall. You may develop this condition due to a variety of reasons such as COPD, aging, obesity, constipation, and strenuous exercise. In most cases, men are most likely to develop hernias, especially inguinal hernias that may cause some distressing symptoms. To alleviate the symptoms and get timely treatment, you must consider contacting a reputed doctor immediately who in most cases recommends hernia surgery in Siliguri.

Hernia surgery at the right time can only be done if you’re aware of the signs of hernia and report it to the doctor during the initial stages. Once you have reported the early signs of hernia, the doctor will perform various diagnostic tests such as abdominal ultrasound to make sure whether the symptoms are caused by hernias or not. If a hernia is detected then the doctor may recommend either open or laparoscopic surgery to manage your condition.  

Warnings Signs Of Hernia Indicating The Need For Surgery 

1. Visible bulge 
One of the most common warning signs of hernia is a visible bulge. This is a noticeable sign of hernias, where you must always be aware of how the abnormal lump behaves and what are its characteristics. Always remember that this abnormal protrusion in the hernia site can sometimes disappear and appear. 

This is why it becomes necessary to pay close attention to this sign and check whether it is becoming more pronounced or not. In most cases, people suffering from hernia start noticing this bulge while straining, standing, or coughing. When you lie down, the bulge starts to disappear but in some severe cases, the abnormal bulge can be a regular thing that never disappears from the site. 

2. Abdominal discomfort 
Another early symptom that you must notice to get a timely diagnosis is abdominal discomfort. This is one of the primary indicators of hernia where you may start experiencing abdominal discomfort without any reason. You must note that the abdominal pain associated with hernias may range from mild to severe discomfort. 

In most cases, the pain with varying intensity is often localized to the hernia site which makes it easier to determine the main cause behind the pain. You must note that along with abdominal pain, you may also experience other digestive issues due to hernia. Some such symptoms which are more common in inguinal hernia are difficulty in passing stool, nausea, and vomiting. Contact the best hernia surgeon in Siliguri immediately if these symptoms don’t resolve within a few days. 

3. Increased pain during physical activity 
Another sign among the early indicators of hernia is increased pain while you’re performing any physical activity. Herein, you must notice how the pain varies with different actions and movements so that timely identification of the hernia can be done. Remember that the increased pain mainly happens when you put additional stress on the hernia site. 

These symptoms mainly develop when you’re lifting heavy objects as it can put strain on the abdominal muscles and exaggerate the associated symptoms. Additionally, coughing or sneezing can also be the potential causes of increased pain where the forceful actions can further push the herniated tissues. While straining during bowel movements, you can attain increased pressure leading to more discomfort and pain. 

4. Groin pain 
Groin pain is a noteworthy symptom of hernia that can indicate the need for hernia surgery. This is often a main symptom among people suffering from inguinal hernias. Remember that if you manage to identify this symptom then you can avail of prompt medical attention and reduce the chances of life-threatening complications. 

Inguinal hernias mainly happen when a certain portion of tissues or intestine starts tearing from the lower abdominal or groin region. This abnormal pressure is considered the main reason behind the constant groin pain. This pain can be elaborated as a burning sensation or aching in the bulge area near the groin causing constant pressure and dragging feeling. Note that even smaller hernias can be associated with this symptom. 

5. Digestive issues 
A physical symptom that indicates a hernia requiring surgery is digestive issues. This symptom mainly happens when the hernia is causing more physical symptoms such as visible bulge and pain. In most cases, people overlook these digestive issues by thinking of them as normal food-related problems but this can lead to significant delay in treatment. 

The digestive issues can be less common among people but still need to be recognized at the right time. You must note that hernias can be of different types and the probability of digestive issues is higher among people suffering from hiatal hernias located in the abdominal region. Herein, the main cause of the digestive issues is the internal pressure caused in the esophagus which also affects the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) functioning.

6. Burning sensation
The symptoms of hernia may manifest in many ways where along with a visible bulge and pain, you may also experience a burning sensation. This burning sensation is mainly experienced in the affected site which can be described as a feeling of discomfort, heat, and warmth. In addition to this abnormal sensation, you can also suffer from a prickling or stinging feeling which can disrupt your daily activity. 

You must know that this painful symptom can be quite persistent and unpleasant and shouldn’t be overlooked. This is one of the most potential signs of hernia that help you in getting hernia surgery at the right time for a successful recovery. Some of the most common areas where this sensation can be felt are the abdomen and groin.  

7. Sudden changes in bowel movements 
Are you suffering from sudden changes in bowel movement? This can also be a potential sign of a hernia that indicates the requirement for immediate hernia surgery in Siliguri. You must know that hernias affecting the abdominal regions not only impair the local functioning but rather spread to other regions of the body causing diarrhea and constipation. 

These changes are only noticed when the normal functioning of your intestines gets hampered which may lead to severe difficulties in waste elimination and digestion. When the hernias put pressure on the intestine, it can make your bowel movements infrequent while leading to incomplete evacuation of the stool. Additionally, inflammation and irritation in the stomach are caused by the hernias but can also cause diarrhea in some rare scenarios. 

8. Strangulation 
One of the most serious and literally worst symptoms that you may experience due to hernia is strangulated. This symptom develops when the hernia becomes strangulated due to incarcerated tissues and trapped blood flow. If you suffer from this symptom then you need immediate medical help otherwise it can lead to tissue death and severe infection. 

You must know that this is considered an emergency condition where the doctor decides to perform immediate surgery to save the life of the patient. In most cases, delaying hernia treatment leads to the symptom of strangulation where you may experience fever, vomiting, worsening constipation, and intensifying pain.

Your health always comes first and that’s why if you experience any of the mentioned symptoms then don’t hesitate to visit a medical specialist and undergo hernia surgery in Siliguri. Remember that treating a hernia at an earlier stage can ensure a speedy recovery with minimized risks of developing life-threatening complications.  

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